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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Necromancer

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  • Necromancer

    That is my mage.

    Name: Callador, the Deathmaster
    Path: Mage
    Career: Necromancer (Shades, Sacrifice)
    Title: Champion of Light (Bright shield)
    (weird title for a necromancer, right?!)
    Stats: 16 Speed, 0 Brawn, 19 Magic, 6 Armour

    Head: Hood of Night (+2Sp, +3Ma)- Deceive
    Cloak: Cloak of the Wind (+3Sp, +1Ar)- Surge
    Gloves: Abattoir Gloves (+1Sp, +4Ma)- Bleed
    Chest: Deathgrip Robes (+2Sp, +3Ar)- Corruption
    Feet: Rune-forged Greaves (+2Sp, +2Ma)

    Main hand: Frost Burn (+2Sp, +4Ma)- Piercing
    Left hand: Grimoire of Entropy (+3Sp, +4Ma)- Sear

    Talisman: Bone Fetish (LOL!) (+1Ar) - Necromancer Career

    Necklace: Pendant of Foresight (+1Sp)- Evade
    Ring: Spider Sapphire (+1Ma, +1Ar)- Webbed
    Ring: Avatar's Circle (+1Ma)- Overload

    Notes: Started as Alchemist, switched to Pyromancer and then finally to Necromancer. I think I struggled a bit more in act 2 than in 3, when I had lower speed but more speed abilities. In the end I got high speed and many useful combat abilities, which made things easier. Shades, sear and overload are an useful combo. In act 3, I just didn't finish the red quest, lost to Zul when he had only 3 health points left! Even with my high speed, I couldn't beat the last two legendary monters. The dragon in act 2 was impossible for me with my abilities at the time. I was champion of the arena though. I sacrificed some magic score for higher abiliy, but maybe a speed score of 15 and magic score of 22/23 would be better, especially because you can get many speed potions in act 3.

    Overall, fun ride, interesting gear for mages, specially in act 2, a lot of good stuff!

  • Re: Necromancer

    Critical strike would be good for your build. Did you think about buying the wand from waldo? talanost's reach. You lose sear for that so may be not

  • Re: Necromancer

    Well, I actually didn't go through any of the downloadable stuff, I used only the book. But yeah, I think that critical strike would definitely be great with overload.

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