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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Eric the Magnificent!

Page: 1
  • Eric the Magnificent!

    Name: Eric the Magnificent
    Path: warrior
    Career: need you ask? Cavalier!
    Stats: 13 speed, 19 brawn, 14 armour

    Head: Firewalker’s faceguard +1 speed +3 armour, overpower
    Cloak: Pauldrons of might +2 speed +3 brawn, fortitude
    Gloves: Gauntlets of the fallen +3 brawn +2 armour, finery of the fallen
    Chest: Plate of the fallen +2 speed +4 armour, finery of the fallen
    Feet: Scout’s longboots +1 speed +3 brawn, sideswipe

    Main hand: Blood crescent +3 speed, +5 brawn, cleave
    Left hand: Talanosts’ wall +2 speed +5 armour, deflect

    Talisman: Blinding dust +1 speed, deceive
    Necklace: Glacial shards +1 speed +1 brawn, piercing
    Ring: Seven stars +2 brawn, heal
    Ring: Hunger +2 brawn, leech

    This took me a while as this was my third attempt to get a good warrior hero after my first two were retired. The first not enough speed and was just dying too much and the second not enough brawn and dying too much. Once I knew what I was doing (third time lucky) i was able to get to the end with this one. Had a lot of fun with the book!

  • Re: Eric the Magnificent!

    Good to see you back! So what's next on the list, Hank the Ranger? ;)

  • Re: Eric the Magnificent!

    Presto the pyro maybe?

  • Re: Eric the Magnificent!

    i chose another warrior (my mage didn't go too well.) Introducing Bobby the Barbarian..... no wait! Berserker!

    Name: Bobby the Berserker
    Path: warrior
    Career: berserker
    Stats: 14 speed, 28 brawn, 3 armour

    Head: Brain infusers +2 brawn +3 armour, lightning
    Cloak: Nemesis shroud +2 speed +3 brawn, dark pact
    Gloves: Bracelet of fury +1 speed +4 brawn, adrenaline
    Chest: Raider’s tunic +2 speed +4 brawn, retaliation
    Feet: Rumble thumpers +1 speed +3 brawn knockdown

    Main hand: Blood crescent +3 speed +5 brawn, cleave
    Left hand: Dragonslayer +2 speed +4 brawn, deep wound

    Talisman: Tiger's heart +1 speed, cat's speed
    Necklace: Horn of courage +1 speed +1 brawn, courage
    Ring: Lupine lapis +1 brawn, bleed
    Ring: Tooth n claw +1 speed +1 brawn, sideswipe

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