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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Fintaromir (Rogue - Pickpocket turned Sword master)

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  • Fintaromir (Rogue - Pickpocket turned Sword master)

    Name: Fintaromir
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Swordmaster (Final)
    Stats: Speed 16, Brawn 28, Magic 5, Armour 0

    Head: Budak's Blindfold (+2 Speed, +3 Brawn, Second Sight)
    Cloak: Gloom Shade (+2 Speed, +3 Brawn, Steal)
    Gloves: Reaper's Fists (+1 Speed, +3 Brawn, Critical Strike)
    Chest: Funeral Wraps (+2 Speed, +3 Brawn, Bleed)
    Feet: Marsh Stalkers (+2 Speed, +3 Brawn, Sideswipe)

    Main hand: Talanost's Edge (+3 Speed, +5 Brawn, Sear)
    Left hand: Tenacity (+2 Speed, +5 Brawn, Deep Wound)

    Talisman: Demon's Heart (+1 Speed, Trickster)

    Necklace: Ghoul's Teeth (+1 Speed, Piercing)
    Ring: Leader of the Pack (+1 Brawn, Dominate)
    Ring: Hunger (+2 Brawn, Leech)

    Money pouch: 515
    Backpack: Forest Dew (2 Uses - Full Heal), Troll's Blood (2 Health Regen for 1 combat, 1 Use), Fluffy Dice.

    Notes: This is final stats, after completion of Act 3 and the downloadable content. Have a few of the promo type item cards, but only found 2 useful really (knight's ring in act 1 and the inscribed gauntlets in act 2). Went through potions like mad in the last scenario sadly, and used the Arthurian horn to blow off one of Sharroth's tentacles ;)

  • Re: Fintaromir (Rogue - Pickpocket turned Sword master)

    ha ha I just spewed coffee over my keyboard. Very funny!!

  • Re: Fintaromir (Rogue - Pickpocket turned Sword master)

    Awesome hero. I would have bet you could one shot the tentacles with that build Did you give up your swift strike ability for the dagger? (tenacity)

  • Re: Fintaromir (Rogue - Pickpocket turned Sword master)

    Ah, actually I didn't notice that so much. I turned to Swordmaster pretty late in Act3, figuring that the extra loot wouldn't matter much at that point ;) I found it a bit easier with this character, as it was my second play through. I guess I should do a tankadin type build next.

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