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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Silverthorn's Hero

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  • Silverthorn's Hero

    Name: Silverthorn
    Path: Mage
    Career: Icelock
    Stats: 14 speed, 22 magic, 7 armour, 55 health

    Head: Morgue (2sp 4mg)Leech
    Cloak: Cloak of the wind (3sp 1ar)Surge
    Gloves: Abattoir gloves (1sp 4mg)Bleed
    Chest: Redgaurds tabard (2sp 4ar)Iron will
    Feet: Velvet slippers (1sp 3mg)Haste

    Main Hand: Tempests fury (2sp 5mg)Windblast
    Left Hand: Grasping grim (3sp 3mg)Rake

    Talisman: Winters Heart (1ar Icelock career) Ice Shards, Ice Shield

    Necklace: Winged locket (5health 1ar)Corrage
    Ring: Avatars ring (1mg)Overload
    Ring: Band of elements (2mg)Lightning

    I'm new to this genre of book/gaming and this is my hero at the end of my first read through (not sure if its a good build but I had fun with it).

    I think the book is fantastic and i'm compleatly hooked, can't wait to start again to see what I can come up with next!

  • Re: Silverthorn's Hero

    We have the same speed and magic

    I like your hero, its really good mix of abilities and you managed to do the 'against all odds' achievement. Were you a medic when you did that?

  • Re: Silverthorn's Hero

    I was a medic at that point but I think it was the luck of the fluffy dice in the backpack. It was a close call Laine Jenna and Klaret were all on single figure health when the final blow was struk!

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