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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Blackthorne

Page: 1
  • Blackthorne

    Name: Blackthorne
    Path: Mage
    Career: --
    Stats: 7sp 0br 10ma 2ar

    Head: All-weather hat (1sp)
    Cloak: Crusader's mantle (1sp) charm
    Gloves: Embroidered gloves (1sp 1ma)
    Chest: Duskleaf doubloon (2ma 1ar) charm
    Feet: Crow's feet (1sp 1ma)

    Main hand: Nightfall (4ma) might of stone
    Left hand: Rage claw (2sp) piercing

    Talisman: Demon's heart (1sp) trickster

    Necklace: Trophy of bones (1ma 1ar) charm
    Ring: Widow's band (1ma) heal
    Ring: Scholar's circle (-) eureka

    Notes: This is my character at the end of Act I. So far, speed seems like a defining statistic; you can't lose if you can't be hit. Usually. My favorite ability has been Charm. At one point I had stacked 5 copies of that skill. I will post an update when I reach the end of Act II.

    Some notable facts:
    - Number of combats to first death: 15 (Noldor with no runes used)
    - Total deaths: 4 (Noldor, Ghoul, Fetch, Humbaroth)
    - Most damage received in a fight that I won: 33 (Fetch)
    - Greatest damage disparity: 60 - 0 (Noldor, second attempt)
    - Number of combats where I sustained no damage: 9 (including 2 legendary creatures)
    - Total damage done: 899
    - Total damage received: 432

  • Re: Blackthorne

    Sick stat keeping you kill noldor in the end then. that is good work, he is tough!

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