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Topic: Introducing Turnip Slasher

Page: 1
  • Introducing Turnip Slasher

    Name: Turnip Slasher
    Path: Warrior
    Career: Ranger
    Stats: 14sp 25br 0m 3ar

    Head: Brain infusers (+2br +3ar) lightning
    Cloak: Nemesis shroud (+2sp +3br) dark pact
    Gloves: Bracelet of fury (+1sp +4br) adrenaline
    Chest: Lincoln green (+2sp +2br) charm
    Feet: Rumble thumpers (+1sp +3br) knockdown

    Main hand: Bone gavel (+3sp +4br) knockdown
    Left hand: Dragonslayer (+2sp +4br) deep wound

    Talisman: Tiger's heart (+1sp) cat's speed

    Necklace: Moon of courage (+1sp +1br) courage
    Ring: Traveller's band (+1br) charm
    Ring: Tooth 'n claw (+1sp +1br) sideswipe

    Health: 55
    Money: 1675 gold crowns

    (What am I going to do with all that cash? Hope I can carry it through to the next book.)

    I've just finished the first book as The Champion of Light, and what an epic climax it is too! My favourite abilities are charm and knockdown, giving me the chance to get in first and make that brawn score count. Wouldn't mind another piercing too.

    Now on to the Act 3 bonus scenes...

  • Re: Introducing Turnip Slasher

    learnt well from your scraecrow encounter by the looks of it! Nice amount of gold too. You should go and spend some of thet with Waldo. (btw you know you can only use knockdown once a combat right? )

  • Re: Introducing Turnip Slasher

    Haha, yes I understand the rules! But just one knockdown almost guarantees winning the first round so I can get some hefty damage in first. See ya later, I'm off to visit Waldo...

  • Re: Introducing Turnip Slasher

    Good hero! Rangers are the best!

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