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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Starscream

Page: 1
  • Starscream

    Name: spectre
    Class: rogue
    Career: shadowstalker
    Stats: 15 speed 22 brawn 4 armour

    Head: brain infusers (2sp 3ar lightning)
    Cloak: nemesis shroud (2sp 3br dark pact)
    Gloves: bone bracers (1sp 2br bleed)
    Chest: shadowbindings (2sp 3br evade)
    Feet: marsh stalkers (2sp 3br sideswipe)

    Main hand: tenacity (2sp 5br deep wound)
    Left hand: ice splinter (2sp 4br piercing)

    Talisman: tigers heart (1sp cats speed)
    Necklace: eye of shadows (1sp haste)
    Ring: leader of pack (1br dominate)
    Ring: serpentine spiral (1br 1ar immobilise)

    Notes: I'm not bothering with any of the waldo's wares. They don't seem worth the money for the small upgrades. Anyways that is my hero

  • Re: Starscream

    Adding my ranger. Lost some brawn by buying the gauntlets. Bit of a mucky build and didn't have an easy ride of it. Must try harder.....

    Name: Grog
    Class: warrior
    Career: shadow ranger
    Stats: 14 speed 15 brawn 10 armour

    Head: ghoul’s collar (2sp 3ar piercing)
    Cloak: pauldron’s of might (2sp 3br fortitude)
    Gloves: mortuary gauntlets (1sp 3ar acid)
    Chest: pacemaker (1sp 4ar kickstart)
    Feet: barbarous boots (1sp 3br savagery)

    Main hand: spinal tap (3sp 4br impale)
    Left hand: raven eye (2sp 3br bolt)

    Talisman: sands of time (1sp timeshift)
    Necklace: eye of shadows (1sp haste)
    Ring: lupine lapis (1br bleed)
    Ring: leader of pack (1br dominate)

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