Samu'el - DQ4
7 September 2022 at 8:33am
My DQ4 character:
Most exciting battle?
Act 2: Vs. Everliving (section 491)
Act 2: Vs. Lotus dancer (section 577)
Name: Samu’el
Path: Warrior
Career: Dark Templar (former beastmaster)
Pet: Mastiff (bodyguard)
Abilities: Unbowed (pa), Astute guardian (pa)
Stats: S10/B11/M0/A8/H63 (Demon Blood)
Head: Rostrum cap +1S/+2A/2H Ability: Retaliation (co), Dominate (mo) + Glyph of life + Empowered rune
Cloak: Jade mantle +1S/+1B Ability: Thorn shield (co), Heal (mo) Rune of Healing
Gloves: Emerald bracers +1S/+2A Ability: Counter (co)
Chest: Painted brave +1S/+1B/+3A Ability: Overpower (co) Special: Ravager Jaw + Geck scales + Eliminum plate
Feet: Tainted waders +2S/+1A Ability: Acid (pa) Special: Ambulatory pads (-1A Lorcan fight)
Main hand: Glave of ruin +1S/+2B Ability: First blood (pa)
Left hand: Sun razor +2S/+2B Ability: Bleed (pa) + Arcane stabilizer
Talisman: Viper’s stare +1S/+1B Ability: Guardian (pa), Frenzy (sp)
Necklace: Ashes of rage +1B/+3H Ability: Melt armour (co), Sear (pa)
Ring: Umbral cord +1B/+1A Ability: Rapid pulse (pa)
Ring: Bloodstained band Ability: mortal wound (mo)
Warp Abilities: Misdirection, Dark Haze, Shadow Well
Reputation: Himba tribe (6), Cabal (7), Sun Dogs (2), Griglo Tick-Tock (2), Merchant (4), Jeweller (6)
Pets: Mastiff (with Bodyguard)
Augments: Aggression, 2x Perception
Gold: 52
5) Gorkan’s canteen (2 uses)
6) Warding lantern
Keywords: Cache, Edict, Hoard, Seeker, Defiance, Redeemer, Collection, Vindicator, Pirate, Approval, Looted, Charity, Spirits, Magus, Lotus, Prince, Thieving, Beating, Champion, Outcasts, Cabal, Muse, Miracle
Notes: Ivory Tablet
1) Crowback (left hand shield) +2S/+3A Ability: Rebuke (pa)
2) Sunbreaker (left hand shield) +2S/+2A Ability: Resolve (mo)
3) Chromatic sword (main hand sword) +1S/+2B Ability: Retaliation (co)
4) Scorpid whip (left hand whip) +2S/+2B Ability: Thorns (pa)
5) Jonah’s compass (Talisman) +1S/+3H Ability: Surefooted (mo), Charm (mo)
6) Sand blight (ring) +1B/+3H Ability: Iron will (mo)
7) Wraith gauntlet (gloves) +1S/2A Ability: Dark pact (co), Charm (mo)
8) Solidsnake (necklace) +1B/+1M Ability: Sideswipe (co)