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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: League of Noob

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  • Re: League of Noob

    Name: Kepler
    Path: Warrior Hexed
    Career: Monk
    Stats: 14 speed, 16 brawn, 7 armour

    Head: Bloodsworn crown – iron will (2 speed 3 armour)
    Cloak: Blackrock shoulders – retaliation (2 speed 4 brawn)
    Gloves: Bloodsworn gauntlets – resolve (1 speed 4 brawn)
    Chest:Bloodsworn chest guard– unstoppable (1 speed 2 armour)
    Feet: Slime skimmers– webbed (2 speed 2 brawn)
    Main hand: Comb of sailors fingers – disease (2 speed 2 brawn)
    Left hand: Calcite claw– piercing (2 speed 4 brawn)
    Talisman: Stone of the sitadell – disrupt (1 speed)
    Necklace: Hanomans hair – monkey mob (1 speed)
    Ring: Grieving soul– fire aura, heal, charm (1 armour)
    Ring: Circle of storms– lightning, charm (1 armour)

    Extra skills: Focused strike, Meditation, Bloodsworn, Prophecy, Demon claws, Demon spines

    Probably last run of hof so I tried out a hexed hero. Was running good then lost a ton of brawn in act 3 when I replaced gear with bloodsworn . Stuck with it becuase I wanted to see how this would play out as a high armour build.

    With bloodsworn I can pay for extra ability with health which is never too low so hexed not a problem. Meditation a total waste of time by act 2 and did think about ditching for drake career but focused strikes too good to lose out. Not sure its so good now I got such low brawn but I got enough passive and defences to keep standing. The last team battle was a blast because this guy soaks up damage and still delivers a good punch (yay monk!) Liked this hero, fun playing something different

  • Re: League of Noob

    Nice, I hate hexed.
    Why didn't you buy any of runes from the haunted shop? You could have boosted your armour ratingby 2 or 3.

  • Re: League of Noob

    I know! had spent all my gold on health and speed potions.

    I think I had less than 300 gold in act 3. I wanted sailors fingers weapon so ended the blue quest early so that made everything else really hard. My speed was bad so needed the boost from pots. Not a good way of playing but I got to the end so I am happy.

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