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Topic: DQ1: Raize the Shadowstalker

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  • DQ1: Raize the Shadowstalker

    Name: Raize
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Shadowstalker
    Stats: Speed 16
    Brawn 24
    Magic 0
    Armour 1
    Health 45

    Head: Black Widow (2sp 2br) Webbed
    Cloak: Hulking Shoulders (2sp 3br) Barbs
    Gloves: Bracelet of Fury (1sp 4br) Adrenaline
    Chest: Funeral Wraps (2sp 3br) Bleed
    Feet: Logan's Runners (2sp 1br) Sidestep

    Main hand: Talanost's Edge (sword 3sp 5br) Sear
    Left hand: Duellist's Shiv (dagger 2sp 4br) Expertise

    Talisman: Dour's Whetstone (1sp) Piercing

    Necklace: Pendant of Foresight (1sp) Evade
    Ring: Dryad's Band (1br) Thorn Armour
    Ring: Wayfarer's Band (1br 1ar) Charm
    Gold: 232
    Backpack: Elixir of Life (full health), Elixir of Swiftness +4 Speed, Fluffy Dice
    Extra Abilities: Snakes Alive, Windwalker, Shadow Fury, Shadow Speed, Bright Shield

    Notes: My first character. Just finished LoS with him. Once I got a grip on the rules the book went fairly smoothly except for act 2 where I sacrificed too much brawn for speed and ended up giving up some good abilities to get my damage back up. He managed to beat most of the opponents he fought except for King Louis and the Hydra in Act 2 since he couldn't outpace King's Louis's passive damage with so little armour and couldn't do enough damage to the Hydra without an unreasonable amount of luck. He also fell fighting the Necromancers and Skeleton Horde in the Winter's Hill quest mainly because somedays the dice just hate you. I also ended up cheating on the dwarven puzzle with modifiers (I don't think I would of ever thought of putting modifiers on the rows) but did fine with the other puzzles.

    I did have a lot a fun with this character and am looking forward to posting my next one. I just have to decide whether to start the next book or try LoS with another character build.

  • Re: DQ1: Raize the Shadowstalker

    Thanks for posting! A couple of healing potions can usually see you through the fight with King Louis. Re: the hydra, he only heals once remember (so unless you are going for the special achievement, you can just wait for that first heal, and then pummel him to death!).

    Glad you enjoyed the book - good luck with your future adventures!

  • Re: DQ1: Raize the Shadowstalker

    Even if I stocked up on healing potions I still don't think I could've beat King Louis as my brawn and abilities we're still somewhat borked at that point.

    As far as the Hydra goes, I fail at reading comprehension. If I had realized it only regenerated once I probably could of taken him. Also the Marsh Striders you get for killing the Hydra probably would of allowed me to take on King Louis.

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