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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Finally,

Page: 1
  • Finally,

    Great book. Best of the series so far.

    Name: Feratu
    Path: Mage
    Career: Valkyrn
    Titles : The Serpent Slayer, The Everliving
    Stats: 14 speed 2 brawn 17 magic 3 armour

    Head: Barnacled Eye (2sp 2mg Decay)
    Cloak: Graven Might (1sp 2mg Curse)
    Gloves: Backhanders Fists (1sp 1ar Lightning)
    Chest: Darkfall (2sp 2mg Blind)
    Feet: Necropolis Stalkers (2sp 2mg Poison cloud) + 1 Armour (Terrordactyl scales)

    Main hand: Northern Legacy (2sp 4mg Charm, Wind chill, Agility)
    Left hand: Syn’s Heart (2sp 2mg Silver frost)

    Talisman Spirit Fire (1sp 5 hlth Sear)
    Necklace: Sleet Siren (1sp 1ar Immobilise)
    Ring: Aldo’s Ruin (1br 1mg Deceive) + Charrm
    Ring: Cold Blood (2br 2mg Heal, Insulated)

    + Abilities: Recharge, Crystal Armour, Frost Hound, Shadow Thorns, Spectral Claws, Gambit, Ice Slick, Bloody Maiden

  • Re: Finally,

    Thanks for sharing, Mean Streak!

    One thing I noticed. I think there may be a mistake with the golden feather - as that item drops earlier in the book than Northern Legacy. You can't keep special modifier items (like runes, glyphs etc.) in your backpack. They have to be used straight away on an item you have equipped. ;)

  • Re: Finally,

    Hey yeah! My sheet was seriously messed up by the end so I thought there could be worse mistakes. Also explains having 17 magic on it and I thought i'd been missing a point at the end. By bye golden feather....

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