That was epic!
5 May 2014 at 5:32pm
Finished DQ3 at last and can't wait to play again!
Name: Whisper
Path: rogue
Career: soul thief (mind flay, heart steal)
Stats: 14 speed, 15 brawn, 1 magic, 5 armour, 52 health,
Head: warg crown +2 speed +2 armour, barbs
Cloak: spechulre snare +2 speed +2 brawn, choke hold
Gloves: assault grips +1 speed +2 brawn, piercing
Chest: clawed tatters +1 speed +2 brawn, gut ripper (+ warg strike)
Feet: whelk walkers +2 speed +2 armour, haste (+ insulated)
Main hand: swift tusk +1 speed +3 brawn, deep wound (+1 speed cardinal sin)
Left hand: vibrato +2 speed +4 brawn, sweet spot
Talisman: night whispers +1 speed +5 health, immobilise
Necklace: cold heart cinch +1 speed +1 brawn, mangle (+ charm, + heal)
Ring: leif’s lantern +1 armour +2 health, regrowth, blind
Ring: corrupted eye +1 brawn +1 magic, disease
Death Moves: scarlet strikes, shadow thorns, gambit,
Other: spectral claws, salvation, dogged determination,
I only got one death penalty which forced me to lose a ring (bloodscent) I thought it was a good system. A few times I had 4 defeats and made it very nerve wracking.I didn't want more any penalities as some combats were quite tough already. My fault as I chose to play a bard and don't think her abilities were that great. Hindsight I should have stuck it out with reaver or trapper.
EDIT: damn I forgot the team fight. I'll have to do that with my next hero.