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Moderators: Da Boss

754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Padok vs. Streak

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  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    2.1 Rolling for attack speed. Get a 5+6. Total attack speed 13+11=24
    Ouuuu iaaa

  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    2.1 Rolling attack speed. 4 and 2. Total attack speed 6+15=21. Bagh!

  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    5.2. I use "overload"= 2dd.
    5.3. Damage score: roll 4+1 from sear+3+1 from sear+31=40

  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    Clobbering time. Righty lets use bright shield (+4 armour) and ice shield - rolls 5.
    Armour 5+9=14
    40-14=26 damage


    8.1 Passive damage -4


  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    2.1 Rolling for attack speed. Get a 6+3. Total attack speed 13+9=22

  • Re: Padok vs. Streak

    2.1 Rolling attack speed. HA trippy! 6 and 3. Attack speed= 9+15=24
    5.2 Using overload. Roll 2 dice. 5 and 2. Total damage score = 24+7=31

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