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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Rogue Shadowstalker

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  • Rogue Shadowstalker

    Name: Alziel, Arena Grand Champion and The Champion of Light
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Shadowstalker (formerly Pickpocket)
    Stats: 16 Speed, 23 Brawn, 0 Magic, 2 Armour, 45 Health

    Head: Total Eclipse (+2sp,+3br - Vanish)
    Cloak: Nemesis Shroud (+2sp, +3br - Dark Pact)
    Gloves: Reaper's Fists (+1sp, +3br - Critical Strike)
    Chest: Ink-Stained Vest (+2sp, +1br - Immobilize)
    Feet: Marsh Striders (+2sp, +2br - Sideswipe)
    Main hand: Shadow Woven Kris (+3sp, +5br - Deep Wound)
    Left hand: Spite (+2sp, +3br - Venom)
    Talisman: Dour's Whetstone (+1sp - Piercing)
    Necklace: Pendant of Foresight (+1sp - Evade)
    Ring: Leader of the Pack (+1br - Dominate)
    Ring: Styrax Sinew (+2br, +2ar - Webbed)

    Speed: Snakes Alive!, Immobilize, Webbed
    Combat: Dark Pact, Shadow Fury, Deep Wound, Piercing, Evade, Vanish, Sideswipe, Wind-Walker
    Passive: Beep-beep!, Venom
    Modifier: Dominate, Critical Strike, Bright Shield, Shadow Speed

    Backpack Items: Gold Detector, Spore Bombs

    Notes: The above hero is my second and the first to make it all the way through LoS (I s*ped my first hero, an Alchemist after struggling with the Winter's Hill quest). I really enjoyed this character - I found that I didn't really need any Armour as I would hardly ever get hit and even then I had Evade and Vanish to help out. The real beauty of this build though is the dps - I could do a LOT of damage very quickly with all the great Combat Abilities and Modifiers. I actually never lost one single fight until I reached the very last one - Lorcan. When fighting him, I had no healing capability (no potions at all) so I was constantly being stomped by his statues before I could take him down. I eventually defeated him after my seventh attempt and after deciding to only take out two statues and even then I had to rely on VERY lucky dice rolls.

    Right - time for HoF now!

  • Re: Rogue Shadowstalker

    I'm glad you destroy necromancers and skeleton horde. Are you want to try forum battle against my heroes

  • Re: Rogue Shadowstalker

    I'd be up for fight with one of your heroes.
    I have a mage icelock (legion), mage scholar (heart), and a rogue venomancer (heart).

  • Re: Rogue Shadowstalker

    Thanks for the kind words and the offer Marilyn. I'm currently busy playing DQ2 and I'm away over the weekend, so I'll pass on this for now. Maybe in the future though when I have a few more heroes to choose from and feel more confident in my abilities!

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