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Moderators: Da Boss

754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Rithe vs Harold

Page: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16
  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Well, let's see if we can break the tie:

    Roll: 3 + 3 + 15s = 21 (no speed skill)

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    No Speed skill again

    Roll result is: ?!?!?!?! 3 + 3 + 16s = 22
    Rolling for damage score: result 2 + 27br.=29

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    That's funny.

    I don't think I have any reactive combat skills left.

    Dmg = 29 - 13 = 16

    Rithe Health = 27 - 16 = 11 (getting down to the wire!)

    Rithe +2h = 13
    Harold -1h = 51

    H: 13 / 110
    S: 15
    B: 19
    M: 5
    A: 13 / 14

    H: 51 / 110
    S: 16
    B: 27 / 25
    M: 0
    A: 2

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Harold prepare his Bone gavel to do knockdown. He believe that the battle is near to his end.

    For the next round I use knockdown!

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    I tend to agree

    I'm using Radiance this round: -2s for Harold.

    I roll: 4 + 15 = 19

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Roll: 4 + 4 + 14s = 22

    Dmg = 29 - 13 = 16
    Rolling for damage score: result 6 + 27br.=33
    Dmg: 33-13=20

    Rithe Health: 13 - 20 = -7 / Death

    The gladiator make powerful final critical blow. He is still on feet.
    "We win...Winn...nnn.nn...Will we win...I win"
    Somewhere in Harold's mind Lorcan whisper!

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