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Moderators: Da Boss

754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Rithe vs Harold

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  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    To start Round 5, no Speed skills for me this time.

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    In this round I use Webbed (sp): This ability reduces the number of dice your opponent can roll for attack speed by 1, for one combat round only. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    Roll 4 + 5 + 16 s = 25 speed roll.

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Roll of a 6 + 15 = 21 speed roll.

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    3.1. Harold use Windwalker (co):If you win a round, you can use all your attack speed dice for your damage score (adding your brawn or magic as normal). You can only use this ability once per combat. (Note: you cannot use modifier abilities to alter these dice results once they are used for your damage score.)

    speed dice: 4 and 5. Adding brawn 25 points. Damage score: 4+5+25=34

    4.1. Damage: 34-13=21
    4.2. Rithe's health: 105-21=84

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Ouch... Forgot how much that can do.

    I'm going to use Sideswipe (Retaliation)
    Roll of 2 (boo). 97 - 2 = 95

    Now, question for Da Boss. I have Bleed. I have inflicted damage on him. Does that take effect now, or is it only on a normal hit?

    H: 84 / 110
    S: 15
    B: 19
    M: 5
    A: 13 / 14

    H: 95 / 110
    S: 16
    B: 25
    M: 0
    A: 2

  • Re: Rithe vs Harold

    Yes, as soon as you inflict health damage on your opponent then bleed triggers. So sideswipe and other retaliation effects will cause bleed.

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