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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Harold - Gladiator

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  • Harold - Gladiator

    Name: Harold /Titles: Champion of Light, Arena grand champion/
    Path: warrior
    Career: gladiator
    Stats:16 sp., 25 br., 2 ar., 0 mg., 55 health

    Head: Black window /+2sp,+2rb/ Ab.- webbed
    Cloak: Broken wings /+2sp,+2br/ Ab.- fearless
    Gloves: Branded bracers /+2br,+2ar/ Ab.- heal
    Chest: Raider's tunic /+2sp,+4br/Ab.- retaliation
    Feet: Majestic greaves /+2sp,+2br/Ab.- royal regalia

    Main hand: Bone gavel /+3sp,+4br/ Ab.- knockdown
    Left hand: Wrecking ball /+2sp,+5br/ Ab.- demolish

    Talisman: Demon's heart /+1sp/ Ab.- Trickster

    Necklace: Glacial shards /+1sp,+1br/ Ab.- piercing
    Ring: Ring of rebirth /+2br/ Ab.- kickstart
    Ring: Tooth'n claw /+1sp,+1br/ Ab.- sideswipe

  • Re: Harold - Gladiator

    Оther abillity: Blood rage, Head butt, Bright Shield, Banshee's wail, windwalker

    I think this is a great warrior. It is not true that the gladiator hero is weak.
    This is my first hero.

  • Re: Harold - Gladiator

    In first round used demolish and piercing for damage.
    Second - webbed.
    Third - knockdown /+ 2br. from Blood rage to the rest of combat/.
    Fourth - fearless.
    Trickster save from bad dice for speed

  • Re: Harold - Gladiator

    It is a pity you did not replace the Majestic greaves with anything else during Act 3. You could have found some other item, such as Barbarous boots and gotten one more ability.
    Nice hero, anyway. By the way, how far did you get in the arena sub-plot, after becoming a Gladiator?

  • Re: Harold - Gladiator

    I don't remember why I not replace the Majestic greaves - there is a reason. Some of my items have ability overlap new Feet.
    In the arena I become grand champion. But I lost my Forest dew.

  • Re: Harold - Gladiator

    I see. It must have been very hard to battle King Louis with a low armor.

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