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Topic: Sharpeye Swift

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  • Sharpeye Swift

    Name: Sharpeye Swift
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Shadowstalker
    Stats: Speed: 16 Brawn: 22(23-Sear) Magic: 0 Armour: 0

    Cloak: Gloom shade (Steal)
    Gloves: Nightwalker Gloves (First cut)
    Chest: Funeral Wraps (Bleed)
    Feet: Marsh Striders (Sideswipe)

    Main hand: Mortician's Scalpel (Disease)
    Left hand: Gorgis Grip (Rake)

    Talisman: Eye of Shadow (Haste)

    Necklace: Blinding Dust (Decieve)
    Ring: The Finger of Fire (Sear)
    Ring: Dryad's Band (Thorn Armour)

    This is my first successful character. I always try to keep away from 'grinds' with him, avoiding hits using 'Vanish' and 'Decieve', until I start to counter using 'Thorn Armour' and 'Sideswipe'.

    When possible I use 'Steal' to use my opponent's Armour score to block his own attacks. When I'm not using abilities to block my opponenet's attacks, I use my high speed score (and the abilities 'Fearless', 'Shadow Speed', and Haste) to guide my Brawn 23 strikes home, bolstering them using 'Deep Wound', 'Shadow Fury' and occasionally 'Rake'.

    This hero is three quests away from finishing 'The Legion of Shadows' and will soon be embarking into the realms of 'The Heart of Fire' (when my order arrives from Waterstones ).

    I've loved Destiny Quest so far - it's much better than Fabled Lands - and I just want more.

    Comments welcome!

  • Re: Sharpeye Swift

    Shadowstalkers are so underrated. I really liked the shadowspeed boost I get to turn all ones to sixes. Saved me a few times from losing rounds and getting some draws.

    Thought Shadowfury was a nice damage bonus too. Two good skills for the career. They outclass the assassin in some ways as you need lots of passives to make first strike worthwhile and the extra talisman.

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