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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: shadow sloth

Page: 1
  • shadow sloth

    head:rusted helm
    chest:dark slayers vest
    feet:reed sandals
    main hand:tricksters maul
    left hand:dragon slayer
    cloak:gloom shade
    gloves:scissor hands
    talisman: bag o'bones
    name:shadow sloth
    career:shadow stalker
    ring:missing link
    ring:leadar of the pack
    special abilities: shadow speed,shadow fury,dominate,curse,snakes alive,fearless,deceive,trickster,dark claw.
    notes: THAT WAS THE GREATEST GAME BOOK I HAVE EVER DONE really fun but i really wanted to get a flint lock pistol, does anyone know where you get one from?can't wait to get the next book:)

    thanks da boss for answering my question:)

  • Re: shadow sloth

    I'm glad you enjoyed the book! I'll answer your query, as I see no-one else has! ;)

    There are two flint-lock pistols in LoS. One can be found in the Sunken City (Red Quest, Act 2) and another during the Battle of the Bonefields (Red Quest, Act 3). Both are rogue-only items.

    Hope that helps!

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