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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: i die, I get back up again

Page: 1
  • i die, I get back up again

    So mage is hard level right? Lot of fun tho, awesome book!

    Name: Matune Path: Mage Career: Icelock
    Head: Thalamus tiara (2 speed, 5 magic, haste)
    Cloak: Slipstream silk (3 speed , 2 magic, surge)
    Gloves: Bracelet of power (1 speed, 3 magic, focus)

    Main hand: Tempest’s fury (2 speed, 5 magic, wind blast)
    Left hand: Grasping grimm (3 speed, 3 magic, rake)
    Chest: Cinder’s gown (1 speed, 3 magic, sear)

    Boots: Bewitched boots (2 speed , 2 magic, dominate)
    Talisman: Winter’s heart (1 armour, icelock)
    Necklace: Chilblain’s tears (1 magic, 1 armour, piercing)
    Ring 1: Conduit of shadow ( 3 magic, overload)
    Ring 2: Band of elements (2 magic , lightning)

    Speed: 14 Brawn: 0 Magic: 29 Armour: 2

  • Re: i die, I get back up again

    Nice one. Good gear. I found warrior much harder but well done for finishing. /dance

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