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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Grey Skull

Page: 1
  • Grey Skull

    Name: Grey Skull
    Path: Mage
    Career: Pyromancer
    Title: The Betrayer (Dark Claw)
    Stats: 14 Speed, 21 Magic, 4 Armour

    Head: Crown of Ice (2sp, 3ma) - Barbs
    Cloak: Slipstream Gown (3sp, 2ma) - Surge
    Gloves: Gardeners Gloves (2sp, 2ar) - Thorns
    Chest: Silleers Robes(1sp, 3ma) - Curse
    Feet: Boots of Shielding (2sp, 1ar) - Deflect

    Main hand: Tempest Fury (2sp, 5ma) - Windblast
    Left hand: Torment (2sp, 4ma) - Disease

    Talisman: Core of Flame (1ma) – burn, ignite
    Necklace: Chilblain’s Tears (1ma, 1 ar) - Piercing
    Ring: Avatar’s Circle (1ma) - Overload
    Ring: Vermillian Rage (1ma) - Bleed

    Completed the book with my first hero! This is my try at a mage. I ended up trying to maximise my passive effects (6 damage in ya face!!) so that when I use ignite I could wear down enemies with my passive damage even if I was losing rounds. Worked very well. Particularly against Sharroth and his tentacles!
    Wondering if I should roll a pickpocket next to make the most of the old lootmaster before it is nerfed/changed. Hmmmm. Definitely rogue next.

  • Re: Grey Skull

    aren't the new pickpocket abilities supposed to be better?

  • Re: Grey Skull

    That's what Da Boss has said. Or at least redesigned. We don't know what they are yet, though. We'll probably find out closer to when the second/special edition is released.

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