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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: Magmageddon

Page: 1
  • Magmageddon

    Hey all. Has anyone got any advice on how I defeat the fire giant with a pyro? They are all immune to sear, fire aura, ignite, and burn which is all of my combat abilities. I have been using speed potions and mushroom boosts but closest I have got is getting Magma to half health with 2 sprites alive.

    I have 10 speed and 19 magic. I thought my magic would be enough but I think it is my speed that is letting me down (and my fire abilities). Is this fight possible with this hero?

  • Re: Magmageddon

    i don't think you succeed with that hero. what gloves are wyou wearing? do you need the crimson fists? they don't seem that great to me.

  • Re: Magmageddon

    I have the hydra fists (+3magic and +2armour from memory) with regrowth. I haven't killed snap jaw or managed to take down shara khana yet so perhaps those item drops might help me. I know that I need to get more speed. Are there any rings with speed for a mage?

  • Re: Magmageddon

    I wanted the crimson cuffs because they have speed, good magic and the sear ability (I have sear from my robes at the moment but I think I will swap that soon).

  • Re: Magmageddon

    Hi Naxx/Blazzor. I don't remember seeing any rings with speed in the entire game. I might be wrong so don't ignite me ;op. If you defeat snapjaw you get a good mage crown with barbs. That is a good passive.

    Your magic seems good, I think you need to geta few points of speed, thats all.

  • Re: Magmageddon

    I know there is a warrior ring with speed: Tooth 'n Claw (+1sp +1br)

    I have started playing a mage as my second hero but not far enough into the game to know what specific mage rings there are. I agree with Bishop, I don't think I have seen any others that have speed. It is the necklace pieces that seem to mostly have speed.

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