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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: new ranger career!!!

Page: 1
  • new ranger career!!!

    I've printed out waking the dead to play and just spotted a new career! Curiousity got the better of me so I read the details. It is an upgrade/change for rangers to become a shadow ranger!! There is a aoe ability that needs a bow in the left hand (that puts me off a bit as there are hardly any bows in the game) and a retaliation attack that does 2 dice of damage. I like the sound of it but not sure if I would give up the original ranger abilities for it. What do other warriors reckon?

  • Re: new ranger career!!!

    The bow looks pants and I don't remember seeing another drop in act3. I wouldn't trade the ranger abilities for those. That is my thoughts anyway

  • Re: new ranger career!!!

    black rain and cleave and add some passives like bleed and disease,then it ain't looking so bad would be good for warrs to combat many foes at once

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