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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: Blood wraiths DQ5

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  • Blood wraiths DQ5

    In the fight on 338, does the battle start with 4 enemies in play or 3? I can’t tell if the blood spectre at the bottom is it’s own entity or just example stats for when the blood wraiths die

  • Re: Blood wraiths DQ5

    Wow! You have reached that stage already?! How long have you had the book, ha ha?

    When a blood wraith is defeated it becomes a blood spectre. Those are example stats - there is no blood spectre in play at the start.

  • Re: Blood wraiths DQ5

    What class are you playing out of interest - and how have you found the game so far?

  • Re: Blood wraiths DQ5

    Thank you for the clarification. I got the book on the 30th - and finding it brilliant so far!!! I should be done tomorrow (just two legendary monsters and the boss to go) so looking forward to seeing how it ends. I’m playing mage and the combats/balancing feels really good. My characters pretty ability heavy though, so I would say that when I got the infection debuff in the second quest, my character got wiped in every fight until I could remove it. I don’t think the rouge or warrior would have as much as a problem with that though. But yeah - overall - it’s been a brilliant experience so far!

  • Re: Blood wraiths DQ5

    Oh that's such a relief to hear it has been a positive experience. It is always nerve wracking getting the first piece of feedback from a reader/player! Congrats on probably being one of the first to complete it, I imagine.

    If you could put up a review on Amazon once you are done with your play, that would be absolutely incredible, as you would be the first (obviously!) and your lovely feedback would be appreciated by the community (and a happy author!).

    Enjoy the ending ;-)

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