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509 Posts in 105 Topics by 107 members

Topic: Money Loop

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  • Money Loop


    On my second play I've noticed that in Crown Mesa there is potentially an infinite money loop where you can sell gloves or chest equipment to the appraiser at para 490 for 20 gold and then go back to the junkyard to get a replacement for 10 gold. I tried not to abuse it, just using it until I got the gloves I really wanted.

  • Re: Money Loop

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention Rougie (and uploading your hero!).

    I'll adjust this in the next print run, but assume the appraiser now pays 5 silver instead of 20, for unwanted items. I'll add this to the errata. It's not a service I anticipated people using, and didn't factor in the rubbish heap items...

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