
Here be spoilers!

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Topic: Thoughts after finishing DQ3 *Spoilers*

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  • Thoughts after finishing DQ3 *Spoilers*

    Found Quest 447 very difficult to do if hadn't already done Quest 204.

    Thought the Trapper career difficult to get.

    Found Reaver career special abilities to be overpowered till later in Act 2.

    Didn't see the appeal of some special items I picked them up as I thought they would help in battles but when I found all you could do was sell them I was disappointed as I already had enough gold to buy stuff.

    Before last boss battle is it possible to go back to Camp at P623.

    P507 choices are wrong way round, attack leads to eat, eat leads to attack.

    In Gjoll battle does Anods reflection ability trigger when passives are used?

    Does the Shape shift ability still work at end of Act 2?

    Great book as always, some interesting choices in this one and love finding all the career choices. Looking forward to going through again as Mage or Warrior next.

  • Re: Thoughts after finishing DQ3 *Spoilers*

    (Moved to spoiler thread.)

    There are major plot spoilers in that text, Rindel. I've edited and taken out a couple of comments - as the majority of people will not have reached those sections yet.

  • Re: Thoughts after finishing DQ3 *Spoilers*

    Sorry, I did put spoilers in the title thread. Changed text now, is that okay?

  • Re: Thoughts after finishing DQ3 *Spoilers*

    Well I edited out the reference to various deaths... (rest was all okay!)

    To answer your queries:

    Didn't see the appeal of some special items I picked them up as I thought they would help in battles but when I found all you could do was sell them I was disappointed as I already had enough gold to buy stuff.

    -- those items have other uses.

    Before last boss battle is it possible to go back to Camp at P623.

    -- you can try it and see what happens.

    P507 choices are wrong way round, attack leads to eat, eat leads to attack.

    -- good spot, thank you. Will get this noted on an errata list.

    In Gjoll battle does Anods reflection ability trigger when passives are used?

    -- no, the ability states 'damage score or damage dice'.

    Does the Shape shift ability still work at end of Act 2?

    -- yes, you have the magic still inside of you ;)

    (BTW don't forget to post your hero - you'll be the first!)

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