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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: Stuck on Winter's Hill

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  • Re: Stuck on Winter's Hill

    Wow, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the first book. I'm sure the second (and third) won't disappoint. They only get better (if I say so myself!).

    Would be great if you could review on Amazon if you get time and share your thoughts on Legion. Always great to get more positive reviews to help boost sales! ;)

  • Re: Stuck on Winter's Hill

    You know, I think I will go ahead and do just that first thing in the morning Mike!

    Just completed the 'Menace from the Deep' quest in HoF and I had a blast (quite literally when I finally confronted the queen ant - ;-)). And yes, I'm already enjoying HoF more than LoS which is quite an achievement. Looking forward to what's still to come. I've already decided to take the Warrior path and join forces with the Wicca - my character seems to be naturally heading that way with the gear choices and moral decisions I've made so far (having played a Rogue with '0' armour in LoS I'm appreciating for the first time just how good a high Armour rating can be!).

    Thanks again for the fun times

    Edit: Review is now up on Amazon (under the same handle of 'Alziel').

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