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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: loose ends

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  • loose ends

    Hey. I’m working through HoF a second time to do some of the quests I missed. Can anyone help me on the following as I don’t want to miss out on these again.

    1.   The East view for the scholar map.
    2.   The second part of the explorers map. First I found in the fisher king cave.
    3.   Phoenix ashes? Think I needed these in Act 3 but didn’t have them.

    Appreciate some clues or help! Thank you.

  • Re: loose ends

    The east view is when you climb to the nest and kill the bird (where you get the egg). It comes right at the end before you finish the quest.

    I could use the same help on the others though

  • Re: loose ends

    The other map part is the cave during the blue quests. Choose the Khana side and escort them to the marsh. I think it is the right after the cave when you fight the respawning spiders. You get an option to climb up to look inside a hollow. I don't suggest personally you do it because it will end the mission .

  • Re: loose ends

    If I remember right the ashes are in the pyramid box. Red quest puzzle.

  • Re: loose ends

    Thanks for the replies.
    Yeah I didn't do that choice as I did it last time so I attacked the hunters camp instead. I looked at the map quest outcomes and in my eyes the rewards kind of suck for the other choice. I've chosen to play a warrior right now (brigand) so there was more weapons and armour for my hero by defeating the hunters.

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