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509 Posts in 105 Topics by 107 members

Topic: Act 1 Team Battle

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  • Act 1 Team Battle

    I just wanted to make sure as I'm getting close. For the Team Battles, we use our Hero from DQ1, right? The way it's worded in the Act 1 quest is strange. Just reading the first part, I'm wondering who this companion is and where they came from. And when I looked at the Act 2 & 3 ones, it is obviously the DQ1 hero.

  • Re: Act 1 Team Battle

    Yep, you use your DQ1 hero. The wording sort of 'hides' the identity of the 'stranger' until the reveal in the second (and third) team battles.

  • Re: Act 1 Team Battle

    Ok, that makes sense. It was just strange that this companion appeared out of nowhere, I guess. Now, let mayhem commence!

  • Re: Act 1 Team Battle

    Wow, I'm playing way to slow. I just finished this one last night. Tonight, to the boss!

    I will say, that my LoS hero that I used just steamrolled through it. An Inquisitor with 15 speed and 19 brawn hits HARD.

    Also, my HoF Acolyte has 12 magic now! I think speed wise I'm at 5 again (was at 4 for a while). Might be hard to hit, but when he does... How much stronger is this guy going to get?

    Anyone else done some of the team battles? Thoughts on them?

  • Re: Act 1 Team Battle

    Don't worry I'm not much further than you rithe. Snowed in with bad weather and thats good as I'll be playing plenty this weekend

    My HoF hero is a pariah 5 speed but only 6 brawn. He didn't survive the beed cage on the two tries I made. Didn't do enough damage. Both tries my LoS hero killed the wicker man even with the blood sacrifice boost so didn't end up making a difference. (One try I remember I was down to 3 health on my LoS rogue!) Really wanted both to survive it but...... looking forward to the act 2 fight!

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