
Here be spoilers!

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509 Posts in 105 Topics by 107 members

Topic: Spoilertastic! Your fave saspect?

Page: 1
  • Spoilertastic! Your fave saspect?

    What were your favourite bits of the book? For me it was working out a Dwarven puzzle and getting a neat reward!

  • Re: Spoilertastic! Your fave saspect?

    Thinking back it's probab;y killing my first legendary and getting a nice upgrade. Got the boots form the giant for the speed bonus.

    Also beating the hydra and getting the special achievement

  • Re: Spoilertastic! Your fave saspect?

    For me surviving a load of battles by the skin of my teeth. I remember leechs +2 health saving me a couple of times when against enemies with passive damage. Vampire's kiss and leech was my favourite in the game.

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