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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Player x player (pvp)

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  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    That would be fantastic!!! It would also be really cool if you could have a visual hero uploader like the warcraft armoury so that you can see the geear that your hero is wearing and compare with players around the world

  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    So basically, hold that thought! ;)

    I think i just totally geeked out!

  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    is the app/interactive version replacing the kindle one? I've just about managed to convince the wife to buy me a kindle based on my constant pestering about destiny quest!

  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    There will definitely be a Kindle version, don't worry. Eventually... ;)

  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    Is the Kindle version going to precisely match the print version? I think there's a brilliant opportunity to set up the kindle version so that turn to page 68 gives you reference 68, and so on. I've seen a couple of gamebooks that completely miss a trick by having the references not on a useful page number.
    Will it also make use of the touch version, so you only have to click on a reference to turn to it?

  • Re: Player x player (pvp)

    Hi robin. I'll be in a better position to talk about the Kindle and other versions of DestinyQuest in the next couple of weeks. I know the Kindle saga has been dragging on a bit (to be honest, I could probably write a book about it!) but that is all getting sorted as I speak. So expect an update very soon.

    And yes, I would like the Kindle version to be as interactive as possible. (Originally, it was going to be a straight port of the print - but that is changing now.)

    However, I believe that the original Kindles are quite limited in what they can do, so that might influence the end product. More info soon, I promise!

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