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2118 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Newest DQ Fan

Page: 1
  • Newest DQ Fan

    Just a quick post to say "Great job!" on DQ:LoS. It promises to be great fun to run, and I say that as a veteran tabletop rpg game designer/freelancer (over forty publications and a few industry awards/nominations) as well as a gamer.


  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    Hi Colin, it's great to welcome such a distinguished gamer/designer to the forum! Thank you for the kind support. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the game!

    Wow, I'm always in awe of rpg designers - you have the best job... I'd love to be able to design rpgs for a living! (I was looking at some fantasy boardgames online yesterday (one of them was the D&D Ravenloft game) and thinking, those guys must have such a blast designing those! Seriously not fair!)

  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    Thanks for the welcome, Mike, though I can't say I'd ever call myself "distinguished". ;) I will always be a gamer and hobby enthusiast first and foremost.

    Truth be told, very, very few of us still designing and publishing tabletop rpg materials do it full time (chance would be a fine thing!). The margins are too slim for most of us to make enough to live on, so nearly every freelancer and designer does it in their spare time in addition to whatever part- or full-time job they have (in my case I'm a primary school teacher). Mostly. I think I do it ecause I'd go mad otherwise. ;)

    My first solo effort, Atomic Highway (inspired by Mad Max II-III, the "Escape From..." flicks, and the new Death Race movie) ended up nominated for a Best Rules ENnie award last year, and an Indie RG award, which was great and completely unexpected. Some publications I've been involved with for other publishers have won Origins and ENnie awards, however, so it's all good in the end.

    Here's a listing of most of the publications I've been involved with, in large ways and small:

    1.   A Players Guide to Talislanta
    2.   A Gamemaster’s Guide to Talislanta
    3.   The Menagerie
    4.   Hotan's History of the World
    5.   Northern Reaches, The
    6.   The Darkness
    7.   Chronicles of Talislanta: Revised
    8.   Midnight Realm
    9.   Talislanta Fantasy Roleplaying Game, 4e.
    10.   Talislanta: Tenth Anniversary Edition

    11.   Wild Talents
    12.   Wild Talents Essential Edition
    13.   Talent Operations Command Intelligence Bulletin 3 Marine Talent Operations in the Pacific Theater
    14.   Will to Power

    15.   Book of Archetypes 2: Attack of the Archetypes
    16.   Book of Archetypes, The
    17.   Enter the Zombie
    18.   Zombie Master Screen

    19.   Iron Kingdoms World Guide
    20.   Iron Kingdoms Character Guide
    21.   Lock & Load: Iron Kingdoms Character Primer
    22.   Monsternomicon: Volume 1 - Denizens of the Iron Kingdoms

    23.   Atlantis: The Second Age
    24.   High Medieval
    25.   The Omni System
    26.   Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone
    27.   Hellas: Princes of the Universe
    28.   Terran Trade Authority

    29.   Lostfinders Guide to Mire End, The

    30.   Castles & Crusades Player's Handbook
    31.   Castles & Crusades: Collectors Edition

    32.   A Fist Full of Credits: Waste World Starter Pak
    33.   Hydra

    34.   Secrets of the Surface World (Hollow Earth Expedition)
    35.   Mysteries of the Hollow Earth (Hollow Earth Expedition)

    36.   Cartoon Action Hour: Season 2
    37.   Giant Transforming Robots
    38.   Going Japanese

    39.   Faery's Tale Deluxe

    40.   Arms & Armor (d20 System)
    41.   Barbarians of Lemuria
    42.   Dragon Warriors Companion
    43.   Tribe 8 Companion
    44.   Unhallowed Metropolis Companion
    45.   Unhallowed Metropolis – Up The River

    46.   Atomic Highway
    47.   Irradiated Freaks
    48.   ION Guard – ICONS edition
    49.   ION Guard – BASH! edition

    My website is by the way, if you fancy a look. Drop me a PM if you want to natter about games, by the way; I don't want to clutter your forums with tangentially-related discussion.


  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    Oops, didn't notice there was no PM facility on these forums. If you want to natter about rpgs, mail me at "colin at radioactiveapedesigns dot com", and I'll even set you up with some free pdfs of my works.


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