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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: manic miner

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  • manic miner

    25 years since the manic miner came out ...can you beleieve it!

  • Re: manic miner

    Heya Ian! Good to see you on the forums at last

    Manic Miner is older than that I think. It came out in 1983. Yes, it makes me feel old. Mind you, I was much more of a Jet Set Willy fan (I could perform a quirkafleeg like a pro in those days!). I was also a bit partial to Horace Goes Skiing and Horace and the Spiders.

  • Re: manic miner

    Just re-read that post and realised what a dork I sound... hehe :/

  • Re: manic miner

    Ha ha you love it and you know it. your passionate about games. If you weren't then you wouldnt have written destinyquest!

    I had a go at the flash version of manic miner (they got that jetset willy too). you need the patience of a saint to play that game!! v frustrating!

    and thanks for introducing me to a quirkafleeg. had to google that one! >.>

  • Re: manic miner

    yes thanks everyone for mentioning manic miner and jet set willy - now for the last 3 nights ive found myself on the flash versions at and realised i am still useless at them both! amazing to see blagger on there too but god is it slow compared to the other two. the jump arc is crazy! no idea why they havent got sound on manic miner though :o(

  • Re: manic miner

    Jet Set Willy! That was awesome, but not as awesome as Chuckie Egg.

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