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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Bookmark Character Sheet

Page: 1
  • Bookmark Character Sheet

    Just a suggestion but I took the effort (well 2 minutes) to make a double sided character sheet that doubles as a bookmark.
    If I knew how to link a picture I would do so.
    Has anyone else made alternitive character sheets and would it not be an idea to give away with the book a bookmark character sheet, like the cards there could be different ones to collect.

  • Re: Bookmark Character Sheet

    The easiest way is probably to upload it to an image host, and then link that here.

    A common one is:

    So as an example:

    And you can put [im g] and [/im g] (remove the space between the m and g) around your link to embed it.

    More info on how to do it is in the "View Formatting Help" button under your post when you're writing it.

    Edit: The images apparently don't scale very well.

  • Re: Bookmark Character Sheet

    This is a great concept, and I've done similar things for past gamebooks I've played. I'm sure once my book arrived and I get into it, I'll be coming up with alternatives as well.

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