Mature Mode: Perma-Death and More
10 March 2011 at 1:33pm
Wilf the Sexy Wizard, my first character, has managed to, against all odds, survive his first evening of DQ... but I'm sure that won't surprise anybody - heroes don't (really) die.
Or do they...?
I can understand why the rules were written this way... kids /= ♥ consequences. Everyone likes a "Win Button", right? Of course not... some of us enjoy the sense of accomplishment and reward that comes from braving the odds, but making a tactical retreat when life (literally) depends on it.
So, I introduced a few mechanics into my gameplay last night: Escape and (Permanent) Death.
If you know the odds are stacked, or the dice just haven't worked in your favour, it might be time to get out of harm's way and finish the job another time. Wilf the Sexy Wizard was faced with this situation when, after a hard-fought battle that left him the apparent victor but nearly unconscious, his foe transformed into a vicious were-rat and resumed the attack. By the rules-as-written, I was faced with possible "death", at which point I would've transported to the map, miraculously regained full health, and been allowed to go straight back to battle. That sounded too easy-mode for me, so I upped the stakes slightly by deciding that I could: 1.) Press the attack against all odds, and probably die (permanently) in the process. 2.) Attempt to escape... failure might have drastic consequences.
Escape works like this: Roll 2 dice and add your speed. Roll 2 dice for each of your opponents and add their speed respectively. Any abilities, such as "webbed", that you can be used to affect the speed of your hero or opponents will apply against all foes in an escape attempt. If your total exceeds that of your opponent(s), you flee to the map and are allowed recovery. Any ties between your hero and opponent(s) result in a new combat round. A total lower than that of the opponent(s) results in an attack by all opponents with a higher result.
Perma-Death works like this: If you are killed, you... DIE! Roll up a new hero and start again.
I have thought of a few optional additions to Perma-Death that are a bit more of a compromise:
Miraculous Recovey: Upon death, roll 2d6. On a result of 10 or greater, you were simply knocked unconscious and left for dead. You may recover and resume play from the map. See optional rule: Equipment Breakage. On a result of 9 or less... you're worm food, or worse.
Or for those of you who want a challenge, but just can't face starting over:
Pummeled So Badly, My ________ Broke:
(Or simply, "Weapon Breakage")
Upon Death, don't die (it's great to be a hero!). Go back to the map, recover, and figure out how you're go to persist now that your _____ has been broken. Assign a unique number from 2 to 12 to each equipment slot on your body, excluding Money Pouch and Backpack. Roll 2d6. The contents of the corresponding equipment slot has been destroyed. Ouch! Hey, at least they didn't take your cash... or did they?(see optional rule: Just Kidding).
So, that's all the ideas I've come up with for now. As I run into mechanics further in the book, I may have to make adjustments. I have to say, after playing in Mature Mode for a few hours last night, I found matters to be a lot more tense and exciting. I was sweating bullets as Wilf the Sexy Wizard was dragged down to 1 health by a huge, acid-spitting Alpha Worm from which he could not manage to escape in the darkness below. One lucky roll, and some help from his lightning ring, was the only reason Wilf was able to return to the surface alive, collect his hard-won coin, and go treat the adoring ladies of the village to a drink and tales of his heroics.
Let me know what you think and feel free to suggest your own mechanics!