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2139 Posts in 319 Topics by 278 members

Topic: Newest DQ Fan

Page: 1
  • Newest DQ Fan

    This may be a little off topic, but I had to share with someone. My first child, a daughter, was born this morning at 1:21 am PST. Of course, I intend to raise her right and hopefully impart my love of games as well. So to get her started, I gave her her own dice bag.

    If I don't post for a while, I hope you understand. There is a lot of DestinyQuest I have to read to her now.

  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    Ha ha, that is a great pic! Congratulations - you must be incredibly proud; I mean a roll of a 6 is not bad going for a young one! ;)

    I'm just chuffed you're taking your parenting responsibilities seriously by introducing her to DQ. Long may it continue! (Hmm, maybe I should start a line of DQ romper suits...)

  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    To receive a bag of polyhedral dice as one's first gift in life is surely a sign of brilliant fun ahead. Congratulations to you and yours!

  • Re: Newest DQ Fan

    Man, that is so cool. Put a big smile on my face

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