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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Careers

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  • Re: Careers

    Don't worry you will play through it multiple times. Trust me.
    << playtester

  • Re: Careers

    Nice. How do the special abilities work then? you get them when you train a career or you get them from equipment? read the faq and that just confused me more

  • Re: Careers

    You get two special abilities that are unique to your career, rest you get from the armour and weapons etc that you are wearing. that is where the customisation comes in. you pick the items that are best for your choice of hero. you can play around a lot and mix and match abilities. its pretty cool

  • Re: Careers

    cheers dude. sounds really good. perhaps i should hit my old ff books and get some practice in.....

  • Re: Careers

    sheesh they don't even come close. seriously this is in a different league mate. yeah i could be biased. but wait and see. ;--)

  • Re: Careers

    Rhiu, I should hire you as my PR manager!

    I have a lot of respect for the Fighting Fantasy novels (they are still going strong after all this time!). I would not say that DQ is in a different league, but I would say that it is certainly 'different'. In DQ the emphasis is much more on combat, strategy and obsessive tweaking of your hero - I think it may cater for a very different audience. But time will tell!

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