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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Careers

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  • Re: Careers

    I like! Sounds similar to the Guild Wars skill bar where you mix and swap skills to suit different situations. Sound about right?

    Got a question tho/ what is to stop people cheating in destinyquest? a player could just pretend they killed something and get all the best loot couldn't they? agree about the ff books. combat sucked so glad this is better and sounds more adult/gamer

  • Re: Careers

    Ah loot cheats.

    It could and probably will happen, to an extent. However, it would be an odd way of playing, because there is no benefit to cheating. It would be like unlocking 'God Mode' in a game and having one hit insta-kills... you may get through the content in record time but the play experience is going to be pretty dull.

    By fighting opponents and learning from your mistakes, you realise your strengths and weaknesses. So when you do get those uber-rewards for defeating that tough enemy, you know what you need to take to improve your hero's performance. Someone who is not bothering with the combat would have no clue if that 'sword of ultimate smiting' is a better option than the 'cloak of over-powering stench', for instance. (Note: those names were made up... *cough*)

    If your hero dies in DQ you don't start over. That would be dumb. There is a different system in place. You are not penalised for dieing; you are encouraged to learn from your mistakes and try out different strategies. People will want to do the combat because that is where they will show their skill and knowledge...

    And hey, with the hero vs. hero rules, someone who cheated through the content would be shredded to pieces by a talented player anyway. It would just be total 'pwnage' ;-)

  • Re: Careers

    are your not doing anynew updates ? would be cool to see more careers

  • Re: Careers

    Never rule out the possibility... ;)

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