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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Loot Card Archive

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  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    Are there plans to produce any more loot cards for DQ1 or will we have to wait for the next book? Assuming you are doing them for the sequel. It would be great if they were a bit easier to get hold of too heh

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    At this moment in time, Naxx, I don't have plans to release more cards for The Legion of Shadow. As for the sequel, that decision may not be left entirely in my hands ;-) More news coming soon.

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    -- As for the sequel, that decision may not be left entirely in my hands ;-)

    That sounds v interesting

    In a perfect world I'd love to see each book come in some sort of box set with dice and cards and some artwork inside. A bit like the trading card boxsets but a book inside instead.

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    I know what you mean Star. I love the World of Warcraft TCG boxes, with the thick spines and gorgeous artwork on the front (I'm a sucker for anything with WoW artwork to be honest). The downside of taking on a format like that, is that the product becomes more of a 'game' then a 'book' and I imagine booksellers would be less inclined to take it on. It would be more difficult to stock on shelves, for example.

    But like you say, it would look very cool.

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    ...a small box for the loot cards would be a great give-away, too.
    Maybe in 2012!?

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    I had to register to leave one quick comment: I now have all of the loot cards(including the promo). That is all. XD

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