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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Downloadable content

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  • Re: Downloadable content

    but made the mistake of having a high "magic" score

    That is your mistake right there. as a rogue or warrior you have no need for any magic at all. only take magic items in act 1 if the slot on your hero sheet is empty. if you had high magic you should have taken mage

    warrior is speed and brawn
    rogue is speed and brawn
    mage is speed and magic
    (armour last for all of them) There are no hybrid classes so you don't need both magic and brawn

  • Re: Downloadable content

    ouch never occured to me to have magic because i wanted a warrior. that would really hurt you if you tried to have both and then swap to just one lol.

    Start again? you'll find it easier 2nd time

  • Re: Downloadable content

    Seeing as I'm ordering the book now, the General Bosses content should be out when I recieve it. That's good to know.

  • Re: Downloadable content

    I have just read Waldo and the Gorgis downloads. From this happy gamer comes a big thank you for writing and providing us with these extras. Some may take them for granted but I like what they add to the main character feeding us some more breadcrumbs about their past and their darker nature. Better written than most gamebook rubbish I have come across.

    I'm now looking forward to finishing work so that I can carry on with ACT 3. Enjoying the book (and the extras) a lot! Good work!

    I do worry my gold won't be enough for some of the nice waldo gear. I hope the blue and red quests and boss monsters give me more ><

  • Re: Downloadable content

    Thank you Happy gamers make me happy too!

    Yes, you should get more gold over the course of Act 3. The new download quest 'waking the dead' will also provide some extra opportunities to swell your coffers, so don't worry ;)

  • Re: Downloadable content

    when is the waking the dead quest going live?

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