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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Where to start?

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  • Where to start?

    The concept of DQ looks very interesting and I'd like to try it out. What are good starting points? Ideally I'd prefer to play a mage and to play with a digital version/e-book. I see that there were some issues with the first book, though?

  • Re: Where to start?

    Just found this post, which is probably what I was looking for.

  • Re: Where to start?

    The Raiders of Dune Sea is a great start, you will love it; Here you can see a recent video by Ward about the Mage path:

    Raiders of Dune Sea and Wrath of Ragnarok share the same main character with a lots of great supporting-characters (some of them from the previous trilogy).

    i am sure you will like the mage careers available in Dune Sea; lot of combos and variety in the hero building.

  • Re: Where to start?

    I like to have a complete series, so I have purchased all of the author's books, including the new Raiders book (that one is in the mail). So far, I have been through Legion of Shadows several times. There are comments that the book is not the best one; however, being brand new to the gamebook world, I have not noticed these concerns. My character has died several times, and I have managed to slay some bosses with lucky dice! Like a video game, when I die, I get to walk through the challenge again to improve. It has been enjoyable.

    I have dabbled in Fabled Lands; those are fun but not as deep as Destiny Quest.

    I wish I had known about gamebooks sooner!

  • Re: Where to start?


    Thanks for sharing ! I am new to this forum community and very excited to get involved ! I am looking forward to contributing and learning from the community.

    Thank you !

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