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2127 Posts in 315 Topics by 276 members

Topic: Is there a version of Legion of Shadows, with the erratas?

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  • Is there a version of Legion of Shadows, with the erratas?

    Hi, I recently got the digital version Legion of Shadows, from the Google Play Store. I learned that there were many balance changes made to this book. While skimming through the book, it appears that those changes aren't in that version of the book. I was wondering if there was a version of the book that included all of the changes already, so I don't have to keep cross referencing them online, while I play. Thank you.

    This is a side note, but I am very thankful that you made your books available digitally. I am visually impaired, so having a way to read these books and play them is much appreciated. I hope that someday in the future, you are able to release a large print physical version, because reading it digitally does take away some of the appeal of it being a book. Though, again, thank you so much for releasing it digitally.

  • Re: Is there a version of Legion of Shadows, with the erratas?


    Thank you for the message! I am afraid the changes/amends were only added to the Italian edition. I wanted to add them to my English version, but my publisher sadly does not want to spend the time adding them in (even to the digital edition). It is super frustrating for me! So, there is no option but to cross reference I am afraid, which I know is annoying and not ideal.

    On a positive note, you won't have that issue with Heart of Fire or any of the other books in the series. I do intend to continue to make my books available digitally. I doubt I'd ever be able to afford or get a chance to do a large print version of the books (and they would probably be massive anyway, as they are already large!). But thank you for making me aware of these issues!

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