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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

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  • Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    I see that the website is currently offline, and the Twitter has also been deleted. Is the project dead?

  • Re: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    Hi Jarm

    I'm running a news story tomorrow, which will update everyone on the status of the RPG. But in short, yes the RPG project has been cancelled (which was an amicable decision made by the entire team), but I'm going ahead and publishing all the content I wrote for the RPG as a companion volume to the gamebooks.

    There will be more details in the news story tomorrow (Monday).

  • Re: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    That's unfortunate. Based on what I've read, it looks like there was quite a bit of material for character creation and other stuff. I suspect a lot of the rpg material won't make it to the World Companion, because it's not a full-fledged game?

  • Re: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    Yeah, I haven't included any of the career stuff in the World Companion. The focus is on the history, timeline, characters, factions etc - to provide depth to the gamebook experience.

    You can see more about the book on the Kickstarter page:

  • Re: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    Sounds good, thanks. I'm definitely looking forward to the Companion, but I'll have to hope for the eventual rpg info to come out someday.

    I love your system and can't get enough info on it to satisfy my craving. There's something special in its simplicity, and I really think it would translate well into a full-fledged tabletop game. I'm totally fine with these amazing books you've already created and published, and I hope to see many more in the coming years, but there's definitely potential for more than gamebooks in there.

  • Re: Is the DestinyQuest RPG Dead?

    I 100% agree. I just need to team up with the right people to make it happen! Let's hope The World Companion brings some more attention to the franchise.

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