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Topic: Tavern tinker - Italian edition

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  • Tavern tinker - Italian edition

    In the Italian edition of LoS, from the tavern tinker in the Act II you can buy the first three items for 150 crowns each, but the other three items (the ones available in the pdf) aren't there...
    Did the Italian publisher miss them, or was this a conscious decision made by the author? Thanks.

  • Re: Tavern tinker - Italian edition

    To be honest, I forgot to give them the changed/updated entry.

    But, they were added in the PDF because the original was proving too difficult for a lot of players, so those extra items helped out a little. However, the overall global changes to the Italian edition (with the improved items) means that they are really not needed in that edition. There is better gear now in Act 2 to collect from questing and monsters.

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