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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

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  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    Not really a second playthrough, I'm just checking every and each entries to see what I missed XD

    At entry 370 of the Italian edition we have
    "Agal of shifting sands
    +2 speed +2 magic
    Ability: consume"
    Judging from the changelog, shouldn't it be +1 speed only?

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    It should be a +1 speed item. In fact, I'm sure I spotted that at checking stage but the change must have got missed.

    Never mind, might things easier for mages in Act 2 so probably nothing too dramatically game changing.

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    In the English edition, at entry 302 Lady Roe has a Magic score (thus rentering the Garlic "special item" useless against her). In the Italian edition, she has a Brawn score. In 435 English, the jester (Krusty the Klown I suppose XD) has Brawn, while in Italian has Magica... was it all intended?

    (Also, there other instances where enemy Magic scores have been replaced with Brawn and viceversa... were all intended or are mistakes?)

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    Those are errors I think - although actually, probably doesn't have a huge impact. I will make Giochi Uniti aware of this though for future books.

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    I'm collecting all of this in an errata to send to Giochi Uniti (for an eventual reprinting), and I'll try to publish it also on the Italian gamebook portal.

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 1)

    Oh that's great. Much appreciated!

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