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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: New Member!

Page: 1
  • New Member!

    Hey guys! I just found this forum. I've never played one of these type of games before so I'm pretty excited to try it out. I'm currently running through the kindle sample to see if I want to buy it...there's nothing like holding a real book...
    I was looking for some type of companion app but couldn't find one so...I made one with google docs. It'll be nice to have the real book and this on my phone or laptop to keep track of whatever needs keeping track of. Feel free to download it or save it to your google drives. It's not as sweet as an app, but I think it will work! I played DND over google docs for a play by post for a few months so I know it's not too bad! Anywhere here's the link:

  • Re: New Member!

    Thanks for sharing, Teddy.

    Yes, sadly there is no companion app at the current time. One was being worked on by a fan at one point, but not sure what happened with it.

    Anyway, hope you enjoy the sample and decide to take the plunge into the world of DestinyQuest!

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