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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Ability cards

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  • Ability cards

    Hi, Michael,

    A while back I enquired about the possibility of having the abilities printed on cards as it would make it easier to keep track of those already used.
    You indicated at the time that this could be a likely option for the next Kickstarter.

    Additionally, the Kickstarter page for the fourth book mentions that you would be offering these ability cards for free as a PDF, with instructions on printing and cutting them out.

    Would you indeed be able to offer the PDF for the Raider of the Dune Sea ability cards? Also, would it be possible to get the same PDFs with the same card format for all the other abilities in the three other books? I would very much like to get them laminated and then cut out.

    Many thanks!

  • Re: Ability cards

    I'm just gonna chime in and second that request.

  • Re: Ability cards

    As it has been a couple of years (almost) since the Kickstarter, then I feel it would be okay to now share these with non-backers. There is a link below to the Google Drive with the PDF files.

    I will also add this to the downloads page later this week. I may do the cards for the other books as part of the DQ Book 5 kickstarter.

    The above cards are for Raiders of Dune Sea.

  • Re: Ability cards

    Brilliant, thank you so much for sharing these! Definitely looking forward to the ability cards for the other books too.

    And all the best on penning the fifth installment!

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