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2118 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Which book to start with?

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  • Which book to start with?

    I am brand new to RPG and have to find solo options as my realm of friends do not play RPG nor do they have any interest to learn with me. Anyway in my research, I found DQ. I ordered the first book on Amazon today. Super excited to get it! I was wondering if these books need to be used in order, or can they be played in any order?


  • Re: Which book to start with?

    Hi Dave

    Glad you have decided to try out the world of RPGs. The books can technically be played in any order as they are standalone - although there is a sort of overarching 'background' plot that underpins them, so there is also advantages to reading them in order.

    That said, the first book has a bit of a high difficulty threshold - and the choices are a bit more limited in that one (it is more combat focused). So, I often recommend Book 2 as a good starting point for people.

    But give Book 1 a try and see what you think. If you have any questions etc. then don't hesitate to post and myself or a reader will be sure to get back to you.

    Happy adventuring!

  • Re: Which book to start with?

    I downloaded the sample book (book 1) on Kindle and am enthralled with this system! I ordered the other 3 books! Cant wait for my order to show up at my door!


  • Re: Which book to start with?

    The first 3 books are in my mailbox, I am stuck at work. Book 4 will be here tomorrow.

  • Re: Which book to start with?

    Great stuff! Hope that you enjoy and keep us posted on your adventures!

  • Re: Which book to start with?

    I have played through book and have helped my son play. Super satisfying game system. So glad I found this!

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