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Topic: Raiders of Dune Sea errata

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  • Raiders of Dune Sea errata

    Errata for Book Four:

    Crown Mesa (town, Act 1)
    Entry 490 - the appraiser only pays 5 silver for equipment items (to avoid an infinite money loop)

    Training day (green quest, Act 2)
    Entry 573 - the second option should take you to 329 (and not 32).

    Crossing the line (blue quest, Act 2)
    Entry 522. Add the last line: Record the word captive, then turn to 655.

    Tomb of Garriot (bonus download)
    Entry 857. If you have the word avenger, turn to 873.

  • Re: Raiders of Dune Sea errata


    Have just finished my first play through of Raiders of the Dune Sea. Really like the way you keep on evolving the mechanics, especially the way you have differentiated the three paths more this time.

    I have spotted a few errors:
    655 - Should give you the codeword Captive, I think.
    765 - I think the items are missing their brawn/magic boosts.
    851 (Tomb of Garriot) - should send you to 873, not 31!



  • Re: Raiders of Dune Sea errata

    Peter, do you mean 857? because 851 -> 847

  • Re: Raiders of Dune Sea errata

    Yes, you’re right, 857.

  • Re: Raiders of Dune Sea errata

    Thanks for the spots.

    The keyword captive should be given on entry 522.

    Those items on 765 are deliberately 'bad' as they have been eroded by the wyrm's bile. They are a nod to the loot card items...

    Yes, I'll try and get the Tomb of Garriot updated later this week.

    If you enjoyed the book and are able to pop a review on Amazon (UK) that would be fantastic. And don't forget to upload your hero for the competition!

  • Re: Raiders of Dune Sea errata

    Tomb of Garriot bonus quest has now been updated.

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