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2118 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: It’s quiet about book 3.

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  • It’s quiet about book 3.

    I’m working my way through the previous 3 before picking up a copy of book 4 but surprised to see no comments on book 4 at all especially with a very successful kickstarter campaign. How are people finding it?

  • Re: It’s quiet about book 3.

    Sorry I meant to say book 4. Tired! I can’t see any way to edit my post title ><.

  • Re: It’s quiet about book 3.

    The reality is that not many people have it yet - only those who went directly onto the Megara site and bought one of the versions available there.

    There have been problems with the Kickstarter due to the incompetence of Megara (and Mikael Louys) and the company is now in financial difficulties. Therefore none of the KS books have been shipped yet. I'm trying to look at solutions whereby I may be able to help, but it is difficult.

    So, all a bit depressing at the moment but I have faith things will sort themselves out. Hence, things quiet with Book Four. But I am confident, once people finally get it, it'll prove worth the hassle and wait!

  • Re: It’s quiet about book 3.

    Oh no . So all those that kickstarted don’t have it :O. I hope it is sorted ASAP for all of those people!

  • Re: It’s quiet about book 3.

    Publisher is going bankrupt (ran off with all the money, pretty much) so I am publishing myself. Will be out in March and available from all online retailers etc. Will keep people posted on updates.

  • Re: It’s quiet about book 3.

    Wow that's really something. Sorry it ended so badly.

    In some ways I'm now glad that I missed the kickstarter and got a hard back off his site. However I will definitely support you and buy one of yours when it is out. Will yours have the maps inside the book I assume?

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